Thursday, February 5, 2015

Sword Art Online II "What It Means to be Strong" Review


Well we've hit the brakes on this season, now haven't we? Though I suppose being constantly hit over the head with action isn't necessarily the best way to go about things, I would prefer not to have an episode and a half of just our two heroes sitting in a cave, and then several minutes dedicated to the players in ALO spewing dialogue and exposition we already knew about.

This episode does indeed contain many things that are important for us to know, such as the method Death Gun is using to kill people, but after that is revealed things get really slow and boring. It's probably the least exciting episode of the season so far, which is sad to say because there would be many very exciting moments that could be used had the context not been so dull.

Also: the game's time changes from day to night in about a second. Okay then.

The episode begins with Sinon asking Kirito how he was able to get over his killing of the three Laughing Coffin members, and Kirito tells her that he can never forget--not mentioning that he completely forgot about them until now--about them now and that he will never, but he'll grow stronger from it, like how Sinon should do.

The whole reason he came into GGO was to find out how Death Gun was killing people and to stop it, he reveals to Sinon, and then, everything begins to come together. Of course, it's not taken very seriously because he stares at her the pistol she has on her backside--right over her butt, nice going guys--but, he still begins to piece it together in a very detective like way:

He recalls that Death Gun used his pistol on the people he's murdered, but he used his rifle on Kirito. Thus, the gun isn't the thing that is killing the players. So, what is?

Here's where I wished the episode had sort of forgone the whole ALO scene (or at least made it shorter) and focused on the two having a discussion on how Death Gun is in fact killing people if it's not the gun. Maybe they could discuss some bug from SAO leaking into the game and it kills certain people. Maybe Death Gun picked targets that have heart problems and is trying to kill them by adding stress and making them fear him more, so that when he does kill them, they'll think they're going to die and thus their heart ailment kicks in and bleh. It would have served as some kind of padding, yeah, but it would keep the mystery going long enough to build up the suspense and make the big reveal, the truth rather, even more enlightening.

Instead, Kirito just spots a two-tailed lizard and figures it out: there are two men "killing" people: one in GGO--Death Gun--and one in real life who is using some type of drug to kill the players as Death Gun kills them in the game. Of course that takes some serious suspension of disbelief, but hey, it worked for them. Can't knock them for choosing bad targets, only it just so happened that the best players in the game live alone. That's a coincidence and a half.

Then, there's the big, scary reveal: Death Gun was trying to literally kill Sinon, meaning the other person administering the drug is in Sinon's room at that moment. Ruh-roh.

Sinon, properly, begins to freak out, and her heart rate dramatically increases. That was what frightened me most. Did they guy administer the drug already, what the heck?! Sinon can't die! NO.

Luckily, Kirito is able to calm her down, and tells her about the code that they've maybe construed: Death Gun has to kill the player in order for the drug administer to really finish them off. That's a lot of trust in a couple of psychos there, Kirito, not gonna lie. I'd still be freaking out.

Oh, and then there's a pointless scene in ALO where everyone laments Kirito for going it alone and not telling them but whatever, it's just there for padding and it serves no purpose to the greater plot.

Kirito and Sinon both determine that they have to kill Death Gun. If they can do that, then they'll be able to save Sinon (and maybe even conquer BoB). Thus, the plan is set: Kirito is going to draw out Death Gun, who will try and shoot him from a distance, but then Sinon will have her sniper set on Death Gun and finish him off there. Boom. Trifecta of awesomeness.

Thus our episode ends with Kirito and Sinon awkwardly discovering that they've had the cameras on them the whole time. Yikes.

Like I said, not much to this episode. There would be more to talk on if something had actually happened, but it was just the reveal of Death Gun. Yeah, that is a huge deal, but it is also kind of underwhelming that he doesn't have the ability to really kill people so that kind of takes the weight off of the final battle against Kirito and Sinon that's coming. I mean, it's a big deal for Sinon, but if they can disable the pistol, then Death Gun is just another player.

Next time, we'll set the plan into motion to see whose gonna come out on top: Death Gun, or Kirito/ Sinon! See you then.

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